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Legal Help for Victims of Harassment in Fort Worth, Texas

Nov 17

Harassment is a crime that can be committed against anyone, regardless of age or gender. Unfortunately, harassment in Fort Worth, Texas is an all too common occurrence in today's society. Whether it occurs at work or on the street, harassment can lead to severe consequences for victims - including job loss and other financial setbacks if not dealt with quickly. If you are currently dealing with harassment in your life, then contact us! Do you need legal help after being harassed? Harassment Lawyer in Fort Worth, Texas, has the experience and knowledge to help you.

What is sexual harassment?

Sexual harassment is any unwelcome sexual conduct that is made a condition of employment or affects work conditions. This can include offensive remarks, unwanted touching, and requests for sexual favors. Besides, if a person's job is in jeopardy for not giving in to sexual demands, that would also be considered wrongful termination that needed help from a Fort Worth  harassment lawyer.

What are the different types of harassment in Fort Worth, Texas?

A Fort Worth  harassment lawyer says there are various kinds of harassment. This includes sexual, verbal, or physical abuse, considered both civil and criminal offenses in Texas. These include:

  • Quid pro quo
  • Hostile work environment
  • Retaliation for reporting harassment

The first type is where individuals are forced to submit their rights for employment benefits. The second one involves an individual facing discrimination, humiliation, or intimidation at the workplace. The third type consists of an employer retaliating against his employees for reporting harassment in any form.


Why does sexual harassment happen in Fort Worth, Texas?

Fort Worth  harassment lawyer says sexual harassment in Fort Worth, Texas, is also known as quid pro quo. It involves an individual being forced to accept sexual advances to keep their job or receive benefits at work. This type of harassment can affect both males and females regardless of the gender they identify with. Women's risky behavior has been linked to these cases because of the assumption that they are weaker and more vulnerable to sexual advances.

How do I know if I am being harassed or not?

You can know whether or not a Fort Worth harassment lawyer is harassing you if the person is making statements that would be considered defamatory to your character. They have repeated these claims over time. This type of behavior may also include following you around on multiple occasions, constantly calling with no intention of leaving a message, appearing at places where it has been made clear that their presence is unwanted.

Stoy Law Group, PLLC
505 Pecan St Ste 101, Fort Worth, TX 76102
(817) 820-0100