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Things to Know If You're Divorcing in York, PA

Jan 25

Divorce is never an easy process, but if it has been on your mind for a while now and you think that it's time to move on with your life without your partner or spouse by your side, then this article is just what the doctor ordered! If you are a resident of York, Pennsylvania, and want to know more about divorce, then you have come to the right place. This blog post will go over some things that everyone should know before they file for divorce in York.

Is the divorce uncontested or contested?

The divorce is considered uncontested when both parties agree and sign off on the terms of the divorce without going to court. A contested divorce is when one party disagrees or does not want to go through with it, in which case a judge will make the final decision about what happens next during that person's York PA Divorce. Both divorces start out being uncontested but can turn into either after there are problems that need resolving by law professionals specializing in family law matters, such as divorce lawyer York and judges.   The legal process ensures all issues are resolved before granting a couple the right to get divorced legally and move forward so they can live their own lives independently from then onward individually again divorce attorney York PA

Who will be in charge of the children, if there are any?

If there are children involved in the divorce attorney York PA, custody will need to be determined. In Pennsylvania, the courts use a standard known as "the best interest of the child." This takes into account factors such as who has been taking care of the children and which parent is more likely to allow for frequent and continuing contact with the other parent. If you can't agree on custody, the court will make a determination based on what it believes is in the best interests of the children. This often leads to stressful and contentious litigation. It's important to have an attorney who understands family law and can help you advocate for what is best for your kids.

What is the division of property and debt?

The Pennsylvania York divorce lawyer states that all assets and debts acquired during the marriage are considered marital property. This includes anything from a house to a piece of jewelry. Marital property will be divided between the spouses in a way that is equitable, which is not always equal.

How much will each parent pay for child support?

Child support is something that you will have to work out with your spouse. The amount of child support is based on the income of both parties and other factors, including taxes, daycare costs, and health insurance premiums paid by one or both parents divorce in York .
218 E Market St, York, PA 17403, United States
(717) 779-9023