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A Dedicated Workers’ Comp Lawyer in Greenville, SC

Mar 5

You might be entitled to workers’ comp benefits if you have suffered work-related injuries. However, employers and insurance carriers often deny such claims, leaving injured employees facing a complex system of appeals. Hiring a dedicated Greenville SC workers’ comp attorney from Davis Law Group may be able to help you obtain the benefits you deserve. Our workers’ compensation attorney Greenville will handle all the aspects of your claim process and work tirelessly to ensure you the compensation you deserve. 

Some of the things we can do for you include:

Gathering Evidence

Insufficient evidence often leads to workers’ compensation claims denial. Even if your claim is approved, you might not get the benefits you deserve. Our highly experienced Greenville workers’ compensation lawyer will gather all the evidence you need to build a strong case. We do this by gathering medical records, recommending specialized treatments, gathering opinions from professional healthcare practitioners, and conducting depositions of medical experts.

We also do the due diligence to assess the strengths and weaknesses of your claim. This way, we can determine the additional evidence needed to increase the chances of a successful outcome.

Handling The Paperwork on Your Behalf

Workers’ comp claims often come with a lot of paperwork. You might be overwhelmed or miss out on important details that might interfere with your case. This is where our workers’ comp lawyer Greenville takes the burden off your shoulders. We collect all the necessary information and handle the paperwork on your behalf. We make sure to correctly fill in all the details of your case to ensure the process runs smoothly. Furthermore, with our workers’ compensation lawyer Greenville handling these tasks, you get time to focus on your recovery without the additional burden.

Representing You at Your Hearing or Trial

If the insurance carrier offers a settlement that cannot cover all your injury-related needs or denies a claim altogether, we strive to take the case as far as it can go. We take depositions of witnesses, gather your medical records, write your pleadings, and ensure everything is submitted before the jury on time. At the hearing, our Greenville workers’ compensation lawyer will present the reasons for you to get the benefits, make arguments, and raise objections if needed. We always represent our client’s best interests. If you’re not satisfied with the jury’s decision after the hearing, we can help you appeal the decision.

Davis Law Group
143 Ware St, Greenville, SC 29601
(864) 766-7803