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What percentage is the tint of factory windows in New Jersey?

Nov 30


New Jersey is home to one of the most densely populous areas in the United States. It is therefore natural that people would want to know the amount of factory tint they can put in their cars without breaking the laws. There are two main kinds of tints legally and illegally.

When you are buying a car there are a lot of aspects to take into consideration. You may be interested in the proportion of tinted windows in your area if you are considering buying an automobile. This article addresses the question that almost all people have ever asked.

What exactly is Factory Window Tint?

Window tints for factory windows are a type of film that cuts down on the amount of sunlight that enters the home or vehicle. It is possible to apply the film at your local car dealership or home improvement store, or any other commercial. The percentage of tint of New Jersey varies depending on the location where it's used. It is usually between 15% and 30 percent.

The most well-known method of reducing heat that enters your vehicle is to use factory window tinting. It also helps keep the interior of your vehicle cooler during winter. It is illegal in New Jersey to have windows that are dark or too bright. In order to be legally legal the window must be at minimum 18 percent tint.

What is the price of window tinting in a factory in New Jersey?

The cost of window tints that are factory-made in New Jersey ranges from $90 per square foot to $90. It includes installation, and any repairs or replacements needed after. While some customers may be able to negotiate a lower cost with their installers the cost of factory window tints in New Jersey runs around $90 per square foot.

Can you determine the price of tinting factory windows in New Jersey?

Depending on the location you reside in the cost of window tinting factory-installed can vary widely. Window tinting in NJ costs between $10 to $20 for each square inch. The amount of sunlight exposure your house gets will determine the amount of tint you need.

While the cost of tinting windows in the factory differ by location however, they typically cost $50 for each window. A single window could cost anywhere between $100 and $200. The amount of tint varies according to the kind of window film. But, it's typically between 5 and 20 percent.

What proportion of the car is tinted by the factory in NJ?

New Jersey has legalized factory window tinting. There are a variety of tinting options that are available. To determine if your tinting is legally legal, consult with the local police department.

Window tinting at New Jersey factory is usually available in a range of levels, from 0% up to 50 percent. The model and make of the vehicle will determine the amount of factory-installed window tint.

The typical factory window tint price in New Jersey is around 3 percent. This means that just one-third of the windows are coated with a tint that blocks sunlight.


We thank you for taking the time to read our piece on how legal factory tinting is legal in New Jersey. There are a variety of factors to think about when it comes to window tinting's legality. However, the majority of tinting rules are quite simple. Anything exceeding.25 percent should not be considered illegalunless the municipality has issued an approval. Contact us via [phone number] should you have any questions regarding tinting windows in New Jersey or would like to discuss custom installation. We look forward to getting in touch with you!

Address:  1122 US-130, Robbinsville Twp, NJ 08691, United States

Phone:      +1 609-208-3901