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Ways to Collect a Judgment in California

Jul 31

A court judgment is an important legal tool that allows a creditor to collect the debt owed by the defendant. However, obtaining a judgment does not guarantee that the money will be paid by the debtor. To know more click Often, judgments go uncollected because the creditor does not take the necessary steps to enforce the judgment. Fortunately, California law provides creditors with several enforcement options to ensure that a judgment will be enforceable.

If the judgment debtor does not pay the underlying debt, the creditor can ask for a hearing where the judge will make them answer questions about what property they have, how much money they make, and who else they owe money to. If the debtor does not appear for this hearing, a bench warrant can be issued for their arrest. This is a good way to force the debtor to come to court and face their unpaid debt.

In addition to the hearing, a judgment creditor may be able to have a writ of execution issued by the court, which gives the sheriff the authority to seize and sell the debtor’s assets. These assets include vehicles, personal and business property, and financial accounts. For example, if the debtor owns a home, the judgment creditor can request a writ of execution to have it sold for the benefit of the debtor’s creditors.

Another option is to have a wage garnishment issued. This will require the debtor’s employer to withhold money from their paycheck and send it directly to the creditor until the judgment is paid. The debtor can also be served with a bank levy that will require their financial institution to freeze their bank account and send the funds to the judgment creditor.

Lastly, the creditor can record an abstract of judgment with the county recorder’s office where the debtor owns property, such as real estate. This creates a lien on the property that will attach to any future transactions until the debt is paid.

When enforcing a judgment, it is vital to work with an experienced attorney who can apply the right amount of pressure on the debtor to get them to pay. Evanns Collection Law Firm has a proven track record of success in Los Angeles judgment collections and he knows how to apply the right tactics to get your unpaid judgment paid. Call us today to learn more about our judgment collection services. We represent creditors throughout California and Arizona.