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Alpharetta, GA Family Law Attorney: Experienced Legal Guidance for All Your Domestic Issues

Sep 20

The law is a complicated system, and navigating the legal process without an experienced attorney can be daunting. If you're in Alpharetta, GA, or anywhere nearby and need assistance with any domestic issues such as divorce or child custody, contact a family lawyer today. Family Lawyers are knowledgeable and experienced in handling cases like yours!

What is a family law attorney and why do I need it?

A family law attorney in Alpharetta is an attorney who specializes in providing legal counsel and representation to clients on a variety of issues that can affect families. For example, a family law attorney may provide advice regarding divorce, child custody arrangements, and other legal matters that affect children. It is important to have the counsel of an experienced lawyer if you are facing any domestic issue.

The scope of service includes divorce, child custody arrangements, paternity testing, alimony agreements (also called spousal support), prenuptial agreements or post-Gupton agreements, and adoption proceedings.

In addition to working through the initial stages of a case which include providing legal advice on how best to approach your situation and drafting any necessary documents you may need such as detailed parenting plans outlining the allocation of time between parents; they also work on more complicated matters such as dividing property and assets, or determining how to pay for your child's education.

When you hire an Alpharetta family law attorney, they will know the local laws that pertain to your case and can help guide you through any legal proceedings with ease.

How does divorce work in Georgia?

In Georgia, a divorce may be granted on the following grounds:

  • Abandonment by one party for more than one year;
  • Adultery or conviction of a crime punishable by imprisonment in the penitentiary;
  • Confinement in prison for two consecutive years without consent of another party;
  • Conviction of a felony and sentenced to confinement in the penitentiary.

A divorce is granted based on irreconcilable differences between spouses. The date of separation is considered to be the date before which the parties lived apart without any interruption for more than one year. A fault is not an element of this ground for divorce from a divorce attorney Alpharetta.

When can a separation agreement be filed with the court 

A separation agreement can be filed with the court when all the terms of the separation have been negotiated and agreed to by both parties. Some examples of qualifying events include:

  • The couple is living separately for a year or more, but has not done so continuously;
  • One spouse refuses to leave after being asked to do so in writing; or
  • Either party has committed adultery.

How long will my case take to resolve 

It depends on the type of case and how cooperative both parties are. In addition, if the case is appealed to a higher court and either side appeals an issue then that will add time. It may take anywhere from several months to several years for your matter to be resolved by a judge or jury in state or federal court depending on what you need help with (i.e., custody, child support). If there's any chance this could happen your lawyer should try their best not only to protect your interests during the initial trial but also to minimize any possible delays that could happen later.

What are my chances of winning? There's no way for anyone to answer this question with certainty because every case is different and has unique facts. The only person who can truly evaluate your best chance of success is a qualified Alpharetta family law attorney familiar with all the relevant details in your case.

Costs of hiring an attorney

Find someone who has experience in this field: It's important when looking for any professional including Alpharetta Divorce Attorney to find one who specializes in what you're trying to accomplish. This will guarantee success because they know exactly where all their strengths lie. If it turns out that they don't have enough experience in the field, it's best to find someone else.

In Alpharetta, GA it is important that you find someone who has experience in this field. The costs of hiring an attorney are going to be different based on a variety of factors such as the size and location of your family law issue or how many hours you plan for them to work on your case. A good rule-of-thumb is about $200-$300 per hour with this costing more if there are complex issues or working past normal business hours. It's also a good idea when looking for any professional including divorce lawyers Alpharetta to find one who specializes in what you're trying to accomplish. This will guarantee success because they know exactly where all their strengths lie. If it turns out that they don't have enough experience in the field, it's best to find someone else.

Swilling Family Law Firm, LLC
11175 Cicero Dr Suite 172, Alpharetta, GA 30022
(678) 679-7449