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Looking for Experienced Car Accident Lawyers in Tampa, Florida?

Oct 4

If you have been involved in a car accident, it is imperative that you contact an experienced Tampa, FL Car Accident Lawyer as soon as possible. Injuries from car accidents can be quite severe and traumatic, and if not handled properly, they can cause long-term debilitating effects on your life. Therefore, the sooner you get help from the right lawyer in Tampa the better off your case will be.

What to do after the accident occurs?

A Tampa car accident attorney says one of the most important things to do after a car accident in Tampa, Florida, is seeking medical attention immediately. If you have been injured, even if there are no visible signs or symptoms at first, it's best to see your doctor for an examination as soon as possible. You should also take photographs and document everything about the crash right away, including where it happened, what time it was when the crash occurred, along with any other information that might be helpful later on before anything can be changed or tampered with by either party involved.

The importance of getting medical attention and documenting injuries

Some injuries may not manifest for days or weeks after the incident, making it difficult to determine who is at fault without consulting an attorney first. The earlier you visit medical professionals and/or consult with Tampa car accident attorneys about your case, the better chance of finding out exactly what happened in time to protect yourself legally. There are many ways that Florida law can help injured victims recover damages they suffer due to another person's negligence, but these cases require evidence like police reports and witness statements as well as detailed documentation from medical providers regarding any long-term injury resulting from a car accident.

How do I get compensation for lost wages, pain, and suffering, and more?

In order to get the compensation that you deserve after an accident, your Tampa car accident lawyer will need as much information about what happened as possible. You should try and document any evidence of property damage as well as injuries as soon as possible following a crash so that there is no confusion later on down the road. In addition, it is recommended to take pictures or video of both cars involved in a wreck if at all possible.

Common questions about car accidents that may help you find an answer.

  • What injuries can I sustain in a car accident?
  • How long does it take to settle an injury claim in Tampa, Florida?
  • Should you pay for your medical bills after an accident?
  • When dealing with insurance companies after a car accident in Tampa, FL, do I need my Tampa auto accident attorney?
  • Will the person who hit me be arrested or imprisoned if they are found at fault for causing the wreck?
  • How do I find a good Tampa personal injury lawyer?
  • What fees should you expect to pay if your attorney settles the case through negotiations or by going to trial?

Kemp, Ruge & Green Law Group (West Kennedy Tamp)
5401 W Kennedy Blvd STE 100, Tampa, FL 33609
(813) 248-4878